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Tilde vs Caret in Package.json

Tilde vs Caret in Package.json

Before we get to the details of tilde and caret, we should at least cover the basics of Semver. Semver is short for "Semantic Versioning", it is used as a versioning scheme for software projects. At it's most basic, it follows the following[...]

Command Line Git for Beginners

Command Line Git for Beginners

If you've been around software developers for more than about 30 minutes you've probably heard about Git. Git is a distributed version control system that's pretty much the defacto standard at this point. Git is called a distributed version control[...]

Angular ngClass Conditional CSS

Angular ngClass Conditional CSS

Angular conditional styling with ngClass is a very flexible way to style components in your apps. You can use ngClass for styling currently selected list elements or active menu items based on some component state. It's possible to add css classes[...]

SMTP response codes you can't ignore!

SMTP response codes you can't ignore!

I'll cut straight to the chase with this article. You should never ignore the response codes from your SMTP server. We're so used to dealing with HTTP and RESTful webservices and everyone who's been around a while knows the difference between a 2xx[...]