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SMTP response codes you can't ignore!

SMTP response codes you can't ignore!

I'll cut straight to the chase with this article. You should never ignore the response codes from your SMTP server. We're so used to dealing with HTTP and RESTful webservices and everyone who's been around a while knows the difference between a 2xx[...]

Developing erosion resistant software

Developing erosion resistant software

We often see clients with IT teams and projects that, over time, suffer from software erosion. The business requirements, or the IT landscape around the software, are changing faster than the software. The software team is no longer able to deliver[...]

Node.js Performance Tuning

Node.js Performance Tuning

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. It provides an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O for application throughput and scalability. That's all well and[...]